Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Off Topic...


I know that this blog is suppose to be about my weight loss journey-which for right now is suspect..LOL! But I was reading a friend of mine blog about dating and needed to express myself here so bear with me. What do you all think about dating vs courting? Sometimes I feel like dating can have a negative view. As for me, I want to be courted here are some definitions that I've found to help those of you that are not sure of the difference.

Dating was invented in the early part of this century. Prior to that time, marriage always involved much more input from the parents, and "trial relationships" leading up to marriage were not conducted at all.

Courtship is a word that has been adopted to describe a biblical model for the relationship leading up to marriage. In the Bible, the parents were always involved in the marriage process.

-In the modern dating scene you usually hide all your faults to give a false impression about yourself, in order to keep your partner liking you. Recreational dating is about self-gratification -
- you date to satisfy your own needs.

Courtship is about open and honest exploration of each others lives and families leading up to engagement and marriage. Courtship is about marriage -- you court in order to see if there is any reason why you shouldn't get married. There is no romantic interaction until after the commitment to marriage. (http://polynate.net/books/courtship/part1.html)

I'd love to hear what you have to say so please feel free to post!

As always-Stay prayed up, blessed and highly favored!


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